--- title: "Data wrangling and working with `ggoutbreak`" output: html_document vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Data wrangling and working with `ggoutbreak`} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) library(ggoutbreak) here::i_am("vignettes/time-periods.Rmd") source(here::here("vignettes/vignette-utils.R")) ``` `ggoutbreak` assumes a consistent naming scheme for significant columns, notably `time` and `count`, and additionally `class`, `denom`, `population` columns. Data needs to be supplied using these column names and to make sure the data is formatted correctly it undergoes quite rigorous checks. One area where this can pose problems is in correct grouping, which must make sure that each group is a single time series of unique `time` and minimally `count` columns. # Line lists vs. time series Infectious disease data usually either comes as a set of observations of an individual infection with a time stamp (i.e. a line list) or as a count of events (e.g. positive tests, hospitalisations, deaths) happening within a specific period (day, week, month etc.) as a time series. For count data there may also be a denominator known. For testing this could be the number of tests performed, or the number of patients at risk of hospitalisation. For both these data types there may also be a class associated with each observation, defining a subgroup of infections of interest. This could be the variant of a virus, or the age group, for example. It may make sense to compare these different subgroups against each other. In this case the denominator may be the total of counts among all groups per unit time. Additionally there may be information about the size of the population for each subgroup. `ggoutbreak` assumes for the most part that the input data is in the form of a set of time series of counts, each of which has a unique set of times, which are usually complete. To create datasets like this from line lists `ggoutbreak` provides some infrastructure for dealing with time series: # Time periods A weekly case rate represents a time slice of seven days with a start and finish date. Dates are a continuous quantity, and `cut_dates()` can be used to classify continuous dates into periods of equal duration, with a start date: ```{r} random_dates = Sys.Date()+sample.int(21,50,replace = TRUE) cut_date( random_dates, unit = "1 week", anchor = "start", dfmt = "%d %b") ``` Performing calculations using interval censored dates is awkward. A numeric version of dates is useful that can keep track of both the start date of a time series and its intrinsic duration, as a numeric. This is the purpose of the `time_period` class: ```{r} dates = seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"),by=7,length.out = 5) tmp = as.time_period(dates) tmp ``` The `time_period` defaults to using a date at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic as its origin and calculating a duration unit based on the data (in this case weekly). A usual set of S3 methods are available such as formatting, printing, labelling, and casting `time_period`s to and from dates and `POSIXct` classes: ```{r} suppressWarnings(labels(tmp)) ``` A weekly time series can be recast to a different frequency, or start date: ```{r} tmp2 = as.time_period(tmp, unit = "2 days", start_date = "2020-01-01") tmp2 ``` and the original dates should be recoverable: ```{r} as.Date(tmp2) ``` `date_seq()` can be used to make sure a set of periodic times is complete: ```{r} tmp3 = as.time_period(Sys.Date()+c(0:2,4:5)*7,anchor = "start") as.Date(date_seq(tmp3)) ``` `time_period`s can also be used with monthly or yearly data but such data are not regular. This is approximately handles and irregular date periods are generally OK to use with `ggoutbreak`. Some functions like `date_seq` may not work as anticipated with irregular dates, and some conversions between weeks and months for example are potentially risky. Two time series can be aligned to make them comparable: ```{r} orig_dates = Sys.Date()+1:10*7 # a 2 daily time series based on weekly dates t1 = as.time_period(orig_dates, unit = "2 days", start_date = "2021-01-01") t1 # a weekly with different start date t2 = as.time_period(orig_dates, unit = "1 week", start_date = "2022-01-01") t2 # rebase t1 into the same format as t2 # as t1 and t2 based on the same original dates converting t2 onto the same # peridicty as t1 results in an identical set of times t3 = as.time_period(t1,t2) t3 ``` # Times in `ggoutbreak` and conversion of line-lists `ggoutbreak` uses the `time_period` class internally extensively. Casting dates to and from `time_periods` is all that generally needs to be done before using `ggoutbreak`. Most of the functions in `ggoutbreak` operate on time series data which expect a unique (and usually complete) set of data on a periodic time. To help prepare line-list data into time series there is the `time_summarise()` function. A minimal line-list will have a date column and nothing else. ```{r} random_dates = Sys.Date()+sample.int(21,50,replace = TRUE) linelist = tibble::tibble(date = random_dates) linelist %>% time_summarise(unit="1 week") %>% dplyr::glimpse() ``` If the line-list contains a `class` column it is interpreted as a complete record of all possible options from which we can calculate a denominator. In this case the positive and negative results of a test: ```{r} random_dates = Sys.Date()+sample.int(21,200,replace = TRUE) linelist2 = tibble::tibble( date = random_dates, class = stats::rbinom(200, 1, 0.04) %>% ifelse("positive","negative") ) linelist2 %>% time_summarise(unit="1 week") %>% dplyr::glimpse() ``` In this specific example subsequent analysis with `ggoutbreak` may focus on the `positive` subgroup only, as the comparison between `positive` and `negative` test results is trivial. In another example `class` may not be test results, it could be any other major subdivision e.g. the variant of a disease. In this case the comparison between different groups may be much more relevant. The use of `class` as the major sub-group is for convenience. Additional grouping other than `class` columns is also possible for multi-faceted comparisons, and grouping is preserved but not included automatically in the denominator, which may need to be manually calculated: ```{r} random_dates = Sys.Date()+sample.int(21,200,replace = TRUE) variant = apply(stats::rmultinom(200, 1, c(0.1,0.3,0.6)), MARGIN = 2, function(x) which(x==1)) linelist3 = tibble::tibble( date = random_dates, class = c("variant1","variant2","variant3")[variant], gender = ifelse(stats::rbinom(200,1,0.5),"male","female") ) count_by_gender = linelist3 %>% dplyr::group_by(gender) %>% time_summarise(unit="1 week") %>% dplyr::arrange(time, gender, class) %>% dplyr::glimpse() ``` # Aggregating time series datasets. In the case of a time series with additional grouping present, removing a level of grouping whilst retaining time is made easier with `time_aggregate()`. In this case we wish to sum `count` and `denom` by gender, retaining the class grouping. ```{r} count_by_gender %>% dplyr::group_by(class,gender) %>% time_aggregate() %>% dplyr::glimpse() ``` by default `time_aggregate` will sum any of `count`, `denom` and `population` columns but any other behaviour can be specified by passing `dplyr::summarise` style directives to the function.